There are several ways to add citations to your EndNote Basics account:
It is easy to import citations to your EndNote Online account from Clarivate Analytics' databases, such as Web of Science & BIOSIS. After you've done your search in the database,
You can search some free databases, such as PubMed, directly through EndNote Online using the Online Search option. Although this saves you a few keystrokes, you also don't have access to the more advanced search tools the databases offer. We recommend using Online Search only for importing known references.
To search a database,
In the Online Search window,
To import the record(s),
When you search databases or library catalogs, you need to export your citations differently. There are 2 methods: direct export & import filters.
In PubMed:
Then in EndNote Online:
You can manually enter citations for references that can't be electronically imported, such as book chapters or web sites.