The Encyclopedia of Social Theory (edited by Harrington, Marshall, & Müller) provides short entries on topics in social theory and theorists. It covers sociological perspectives and other related schools of thought. Overall, this encyclopedia provides more coverage of different schools of thought in social theory and more broad topical entries (e.g., Education, Migration) than the Ritzer encyclopedia of the same name.
To use the online encyclopedia:
The Encyclopedia of Social Theory offers handbook-like (albeit briefer) entries on cutting-edge topics, such as globalization, consumption, complexity theory, and actor network theory, and it provides state-of-the-art interpretations of long-established theories.
Also, like a dictionary, the entries in this encyclopedia provide basic introductions to key ideas, concepts, schools, and figures in social theory.
Perspectives from sociology, economics, philosophy, anthropology, political science, women's studies, cultural studies, psychoanalysis, and media theory (among others) are presented in this encyclopedia.
Ed. by George Ritzer and Jeffrey N. Stepnisky.
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su(theory) OR pub(theory)
AND asylum OR asylee
AND immigration OR immigrant