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Data Management Plans (ENG)

Provides guidance & resources for researchers in the College of Engineering who are writing a Data Management Plan.


This section asks how long your data will be archived after the conclusion of the award. The minimum period is three years as specified by ENG, but you must also take into account any more stringent requirements imposed by the specific solicitation and the PIs' home institutions. Consider who is likely to be interested in using the data and estimate a useful lifespan based on the current pace of research in their field(s). For instance, if methods and instrumentation are evolving rapidly, then your data may not be useful to your own research community after five years, but if the state of the art is relatively stable, you may need to preserve data for much longer.

Questions to Consider

  • Which of the data you plan to generate will have long-term value to others? For how long? (If you plan to generate more than one dataset or type of dataset, the different datasets may need to be archived for different periods of time.)
  • How long will data be kept beyond the life of the project?
  • Which data sets will be archived (preserved for the long term) and made available, and which will not? On what basis will data be selected for preservation and sharing?


Please note that these DMP excerpts are copyrighted by their respective authors.

“Data will be maintained on our groups' public server for a minimum of three years after the conclusion of the award or public release, whichever comes later. From experience, we expect this period to extend to eight years.”

The explicit timeframe is a plus here, but storing data on a public or lab server does not constitute a reliable long-term data archiving solution. Please see the Storage & Preservation tab for more information on archiving your data.

Least Developed:
No mention at all of period of data retention

Last Updated: Aug 27, 2024 4:25 PM