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Data Management Plans (ENG)

Provides guidance & resources for researchers in the College of Engineering who are writing a Data Management Plan.


Explain how you will assign responsibilities for managing your data in the manner described by the remainder of your DMP. Outline the rights and responsibilities of all project participants as to their roles in the management and retention of research data generated during the project. Also consider any changes to these roles and responsibilities that would occur if a PI or co-PI should leave his or her current institution, and describe the procedure for transferring responsibility should this happen during the anticipated lifespan of any data you plan to preserve.

Questions to Consider

  • What are the responsibilities of staff and investigators for implementing the present DMP? (Include time allocations, project management responsibilities, training requirements, and contributions of non-project staff. Name specific individuals where possible.)
  • How will the PI(s) verify that the data generated are being managed according to this plan? At what point(s) in the project will this happen? Who is responsible for checking that the plan is being followed?
  • Is there a formal process for transferring responsibility for the data should a PI or co-PI leave his or her institution?
  • Who will have responsibility for decisions about the data once all the original personnel are no longer associated with the project? Is there a procedure in place for transferring responsibility once the original personnel are no longer available?
  • Who will bear the cost associated with data preparation, management, and preservation?
Last Updated: Aug 27, 2024 4:25 PM