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Funding Proposal Tools

Resources for preparing funding proposals.

National Institutes of Health

National Institutes of Health

The National Institutes of Health is part of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. It is one of the world's foremost medical research centers.

National Institutes of Health Public Access Policy

Office of Extramural Research (OER)

The OER is responsible for administering the NIH grants process.

This page provides information about this process and policy.

Guide for Grants & Contracts

The Guide for Grants & Contracts is the official publication for NIH medical and behavioral research grant policies, guidelines and funding opportunities, produced by the OER.

Search for and browse funding opportunities here.

Set up an Email or RSS Alert

Consider joining an email LISTSERV or setting up an RSS feed to keep informed of funding opportunites at the NIH.

Both options update you on information from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, the official publication for NIH medical and behavioral research grant information and opportunities.

Join the NIH Guide LISTSERV:

Send an e-mail to with the following text in the message body (not the "Subject" line):

subscribe NIHTOC-L your name
(Example: subscribe NIHTOC-L Bill Jones)

This same information, and directions for how to unsubscribe, can be found here.

Set up an RSS feed:

Point your preferred RSS reader to

More information can be found here.


FOA: Funding Opportunity Announcement

PA: Program Announcement

RFA: Request for Application

RFP: Request for Proposal

NOT: Notice

Funding from the NIH Director

Listed below are funding opportunities at the departments within the NIH Office of the Director. is the source for locating federally-funded grants. You can search grants by category and by agency. Additionally, you can set up email and RSS alerts to stay updated about new grant opportunities.

Email alert:

To set up an email alert for all grants or for grants based on various advanced criteria, follow the directions here.

RSS alert:

To set up an RSS alert for opportunites by category, agency, or other criteria, follow the directions here.

Click the link below to go the main search page:

Last Updated: Dec 5, 2024 12:01 PM