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GIS, Map and Statistics: Korea

Provides map, statistics, and GIS data resources with regard to Korea.

Forest Spatial Data

Created by Korea Forest Service(KFS), a government agency tasked with the responsibility to manage South Korea's national forests. Applied ArcGIS API for Javascript with ArcGIS server. Korean version only. 

Agricultural Information

   Provide GIS  and statistical information on soil in Korea. Created by National Academy of Agricultural Science, Korea 

   Provide groundwater information for agricultural use. Created by Korea Rural Community Corporation


Water Resources

WAMIS (Water Management Information System)

WAMIS is portal system for providing information about water resources and water related organization. It is managed by the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affair (MLTM), South Korea. 

            To export data and map, you can use WAMIS portal system. This system does not support English. 

WEPA (Water Environment Partnership in Asia)

WEPA is Inter-governmental orgaization (IGO) for the provision of appropriate information regarding methods and technologies of water environment management suitable for the Asian region. The WEPA database provides databses on policy-related information, technologies for water environment conservation, activities by NGOs and CBOs, and information sources.

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2024 12:44 PM