British Parliamentary Location Guide
The following guide lists the locations of Commons and Lords debates and parliamentary papers (bills, reports, accounts, command papers, etc) beginning with the 11th Century to present. They are available in a combination of paper, microform, and internet formats.
Publication | House | Date | Source | Index |
Debates | Commons | 1066-1803 | Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England (J 301 .H2) | |
Debates | Commons | 1774-1796 | Parliamentary Register (Buhr J 301 .H23) | |
Debates | Commons | 1803-1908 | Hansards Parliamentary Debates (Buhr J 301 .H21) & | |
Debates | Commons | 1909-1987/88 | Parliamentary Debates (J301 .H21) & | |
Debates | Commons | 1988- | Hansard's | |
Debates | Commons | 2003+ | Weekly Hansard (J301 .H212 - Microform/Serials - Current only) | |
Debates | Lords | 1507-1837 | Journals (Buhr J301 .J3) | |
Debates | Lords | 1660-1743 | History of the Proceedings of the House of Lords (Buhr J 301 .J9 and FILM X1493 reel 4737 no. 01) |
Debates | Lords | 1774-1796 | Parliamentary Register (Buhr J 301 .H23) | |
Debates | Lords | 1892-1908 | Parliamentary Debates (Buhr J 301 .H21 and FILM X2153) |
Debates | Lords | 1803-1908 | Hansards Parliamentary Debates (Buhr J 301 .H21) & | |
Debates | Lords | 1909-present | Parliamentary Debates - House of Lords (J301 .H21) & | |
Debates | Lords | 1994- | Hansards Parliamentary Debates | |
Papers | Commons | 1715-1800 | Sessional Papers of the 18th Century (J 301 .K614) | Sessional Papers of the 18th Century (J 301 .K614), BOPCRIS, 1688-1995 ( |
Papers | Commons | 1715-1800 | House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Umich Only | House of Commons Parliamentary Papers ) Umich Only |
Papers | Commons | 1731-1944/45 | House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (Microform Serials MICRO-F X455) & | General Alphabetic Index, 1801-1958/59 (Docs Z 2009 .A38), Numerical Finding List of British Command Papers, 1833-1961/62 (Docs Z 2009 .D62), BOPCRIS, 1688-1995 (, House of Commons Parliamentary Papers, 1801- UMich Only |
Papers | Commons | 1801-2003/2004 | House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Umich Only | House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Umich Only |
Papers | Commons | 1834-1982/83 | Sessional Papers. (Grad J 301 .K6) - Holdings sparse for 19th Century | General Alphabetic Index, 1801-1958/59 (Docs Z 2009 .A38), Numerical Finding List of British Command Papers, 1833-1961/62 (Docs Z 2009 .D62), BOPCRIS, 1688-1995 (, House of Commons Parliamentary Papers, 1801- UMich Only |
Papers | Commons | 1980/81- | Parliamentary Papers (Law Library) | BOPCRIS, 1688-1995 (, House of Commons Parliamentary Papers, 1801- Umich Only UMich Only |
Papers | Commons | 1985/86- | House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (Microform Serials MICRO-F X455) | BOPCRIS, 1688-1995 (, House of Commons Parliamentary Papers, 1801- , UMich Only |
Papers | Commons | 2002+ | British Official Documents ( | British Official Documents ( |
Papers | Lords | 1788-1835 | Sessional Papers (Microform Serials FILM X2140) | General Index to Sessional Papers, 1801-1920 (Doc. Cen. Z 2009 .A3), Indexes of British Parliamentary Papers, HL, 1801-1922 (Docs CD-ROM Do 181), BOPCRIS, 1688-1995 ( |
Papers | Lords | 1900-1984/85 | Sessional Papers (J 301 .J6 - scattered holdings) | General Index to Sessional Papers, 1801-1920 (Doc. Cen. Z 2009 .A3), Indexes of British Parliamentary Papers, HL, 1801-1922 (Docs CD-ROM Do 181), BOPCRIS, 1688-1995 ( |
Papers | Lords | 1984/85- | Sessional Papers (MICRO-F X421) & Lords Sessional Papers/Select Committee Reports ( | BOPCRIS, 1688-1995 ( |
Government Documents Center, University of Michigan
June 15, 2006, revised February 25, 2009