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Film, Television & Media / Screen Arts & Cultures

Selected resources useful for conducting research on moving image media of all kinds, including cinema (popular movies, documentaries, animation, etc.), television, and digital media (video games, etc.).


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Papers of Major Figures in the Television Industry

Papers of Major Figures in the Film Industry

Orson Welles Papers Original scripts and screenplays, business records, correspondence, unfinished television and film projects, photographs, treatments, reviews, sound recordings and fan materials from Welles' entire life and career in theatre, radio and film.
Materials currently being processed; finding aid not yet available. May be examined by appointment only at the Special Collections Research Center on the 6th floor of the Hatcher Graduate Library, (734) 764-9377.
Will Hays Papers Microfilm copy of the papers of Will H. Hays, president of the Motion Picture Association of America from 1922-45, who oversaw the creation of its censorship office, and both co-wrote and enforced the Production Code used to censor movies made in Hollywood from 1930-66.
Located in Graduate Library Serials & Microforms (2nd floor), call number: FILM 35268. Papers are in chronological order--see accompanying guide booklet for subject index to which topics are covered on which reels.

Papers of Industry Organizations

Cinema Pressbooks from the Original Studio Collections Microfilmed reproductions of the pressbooks produced by major Hollywood studios for the publicity purposes of film distributors. Includes 1700 pressbooks from United Artists (1919-1949; reels 26-37), Monogram Pictures (1937-1946; reels 24-25), and Warner Brothers (1922-1949; sound features on reels 1-19; silent features on reels 20-23), in alphabetical order by film title. Includes publicity blurbs, posters, stills, actor biographies and full technical and promotional details.
Located in Graduate Library Serials & Microforms (2nd floor), call number: FILM 31679. See accompanying guide booklets for complete list of which film titles are on which reels.
Hollywood and the Production Code Microfilm reproduction of selected files from the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) Production Code Administration documenting over forty years of self-regulation and censorship in the motion picture industry.
Located in Graduate Library Serials & Microforms (2nd floor), call number: FILM X3887. See accompanying guide book for index.
Last Updated: Feb 26, 2025 10:43 AM
Subjects: Arts