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Foreign Law vs. International Law

Foreign Law refers to the law of another country 
  • One nation's domestic law is another nation's foreign law. Speaking from the point of view of the United States, the laws of China, France, and Nigeria are all "foreign law."
  • Since this guide is for students in the U.S., "foreign law" will be used to refer to the laws of countries and states outside the U.S.
International Law refers to the legal system governing the relationships between countries and other participants in international relations, including international organizations and individuals. Also known as "the law of nations."
  • Treaties, international agreements, and intergovernmental organizations like the United Nations, are all examples of public international law.

  • Involves laws outside the creation of a single jurisdiction.

From the University of Michigan Law Library's Foreign, Comparative, and International Law: Definitions

Introduction to Researching Foreign Law

Finding Sources of Foreign Law

Foreign Law Documents

Constitutions of the World

Last Updated: Dec 6, 2024 1:09 PM