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Dental Hygiene

Provides resources, strategies, and information on conducting research in Dental Hygiene.

MGet It - Retrieving Electronic Articles

The University Library purchases many journal subscriptions, so you can typically access journal articles in full-text through library subscriptions.
The  button lets you see if an article in a database is available to you electronically or in print. If you have started your database search from the library's website, the database will recognize you as a U-M user and you should see MGet It buttons in each individual article record. Below is an example from a PubMed article record.
Screen shot of a PubMed article record with M Get It button highlighted.
If the article is available electronically, you'll be taken directly to the full text of the article. Sometimes, you will be taken to a new MGet It page, with additional options to access the article full text.
If no electronic access to the article is available, you will have the option to request a copy of the article as a PDF, either as a scan from U-M's print collection or as a request to access from another library. If you are using this option for the first time (see screenshot below), you will be prompted to create an Interlibrary Loan account. You will only have to create an account the first time you request an article through this service.
Screenshot of an M Get It article record with link to request a copy of the article highlighted.
Last Updated: Feb 5, 2025 10:55 AM
Subjects: Health Sciences