Korean Studies Collection at the Asia Library
Frequently Asked Questions
Does U-M Library have books written in Korean?1
How do I find out whether the library has a particular book?. 1
Can I use Korean Han’gul to search a Korean book in Library Catalog Search?. 1
What would be the better way of searching Korean materials in Library Catalog Search?. 2
I use Google all the time. Can I find U-M Korean books in Google?. 2
Where can I find Korean materials?. 2
How do I find an article in a Korean scholarly journal?. 2
I’d like to request a material for purchase by the library. 3
What’s the contact information of Korean Studies Librarian?
Yes! UM Asia Library (http://www.lib.umich.edu/asia/) currently holds more than 65,000 volumes of Korean books, primarily in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences. Go To Top
How do I find out whether the library has a particular book?
Use Library Catalog Search. Go To Top
Can I use Korean Han’gul to search a Korean book in Library Catalog Search?
Certainly! Type keywords or phrases in Korean Han’gul in a search box in Library Catalog Search. This is not a comprehensive search method, but it works! Go To Top
Searching keywords or phrases properly Romanized in accordance with the Romanization rules described by the Library of Congress (http://guides.lib.umich.edu/aecontent.php?pid=24938&sid=251571 ). Go To Top
I use Google all the time. Can I find U-M Korean books in Google?
Of course! Go to Google Book Search (http://books.google.com/books) and enter a keyword or phrase into the search box in Han’gul. Google will show you books at U-M Library as well as at other institutions. Go To Top
Most recent books are located at Asia Library stacks in Hatcher Graduate Library (North). Lesser used books can be found at Buhr Shelving facility. Check the availability and location in Library Catalog Search, please! Go To Top
How do I find an article in a Korean scholarly journal?
U-M Library currently subscribes all major Korean online full-text journal databases, including DBPia and KISS (한국학술정보). These resources are available at Library Search and Korean Studies Research & Technology Guide (http://guides.lib.umich.edu/koreanstudies ). Go To Top
A list of Korean DVDs is available at the Korean Studies Subject Guides (http://guides.lib.umich.edu/koreanstudies ). These DVDs can be checked out from the AskWith Media Library (http://www.lib.umich.edu/aml/). Go To Top
It is located at the 4th floor, Hatcher Graduate Library (North). Here’s a floor map; http://www.lib.umich.edu/navigator/hatcher4.html . Go To Top
Contact Korean Studies Librarian or make a request from “Books on Korea”(https://bok.kongnpark.com/) site. Go To Top
Name: Yunah Sung
E-mail: yunahs@umich.edu
Tel: 734-936-2408
Office location: Asia Library
414 Hatcher North
920 N. University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1205 Go To Top