- NASA Astrophysics Data System
Abstracts of literature from 1975 to the present. Links to full-text articles and object data. One of the most heavily used literature resources in astronomy, created by astronomers for astronomers. Full-text files available for many core astronomy journals. An important resource that is free to the public.
- Web of Science
The web version of the Science Citation Index, access restricted to the University of Michigan community; files cover 1945-present.
- Current Contents Connect (via ISI Web of Knowledge)
Authenticated users can establish an alert service in which records of new articles are e-mailed on a weekly basis. Access restricted to the University of Michigan community.
- Astronomischer Jahresbericht
Provides international coverage of works on astronomy (mostly in German) from the years 1899-1968.
- Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts
Supersedes Astronomischer Jahresbericht, covering works on astronomy (in English) from 1969 to the present. Includes many abstracts. Most of the information in AAA is included in the INSPEC database, beginning in 1988.
Also available on the web (coverage from 1983) at ARIBIB.
- Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports
STAR covers reports in the aerospace field, including NASA reports and other government institutions, as well as international coverage, 1963-1995. Includes abstracts.
- International Aerospace Abstracts
IAA provides abstracts of works on aerospace engineering, beginning in 1961.
- Aerospace Database
Web access to STAR 1986-1993 and to IAA 1986-present
Last Updated: Sep 12, 2022 10:55 AM