Resources related to the study of mass media and communication, including health communication, political communication, gender and race, global and new media, media policy, social media, journalism, and print and broadcast history, among other topics.
This internationally diverse collection of 134 hours and over 500 videos offers academic viewpoints and real-life insights into practices directly applicable to Communication and Media Studies courses. Top Hollywood producer Martin Cohen discusses film production; further contributors also include Sonia Livingstone on New Media, Joe Turow on Advertising, Barbara Zelizer on Journalism, and Stuart Hall on Representation
Combining elements of encyclopedias and annotated bibliographies, OBO entries are good overviews of research on many topics. Browse the larger subject categories of Communication, along with Cinema and Media Studies.
Explores pertinent/salient topics within political science, sociology, psychology, communication and many other disciplines, including: election campaigns, media and journalism, media effects, political actors, institutions, organizations, political attitudes, opinions, emotions, behaviors, political communication theory and philosophy, political discourse, political issues, and research methods.
"This encyclopedia surveys the state of journalism at the end of the twenty-first century's first decade...The focus of the entries is on the gathering, editing, reporting, and distribution of news. As will be evident, our emphasis is on American media and practice, with some reference to other nations."
Includes concepts from communication, political science, journalism, sociology, psychology, history and rhetoric, encompassing the many different roles that communication plays in political processes in the United States and around the world. 2008
Includes more than 1,000 original essays examining specific programs and people, historic moments and trends, major policy disputes and such topics as violence, tabloid television and the quiz show scandal.
"Exhaustively explores the ways that editorial content--from journalism and scholarship to films and infomercials--is developed, presented, stored, analyzed, and regulated around the world." Lengthy entries on media history and background for countries around the world.
Provide an overview of classic and current research and future trends in media and communication, while at the same time providing an authoritative guide to theory and method, the key sub-disciplines, and the primary debates of today.
Directories are good for finding basic facts and statistics about periodicals - where they are published, ownership, circulation rates, periodical titles by subject or geography (for example: African-American newspapers published in Texas).
Provides bibliographic and publisher information on more than 300,000 periodicals of all types–-academic and scholarly journals, Open Access publications, refereed (i.e. peer-reviewed) titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more--from around the world.
From the Audit Bureau of Circulations, provides circulation statistics for several thousand US and Canadian newspapers and periodical publications. Reports include statistics on paid and non-paid subscriptions, including digital subscriptions, home delivery and single-copy sales and are in PDF format. Yearly audit reports also include geographic breakdowns of circulation and some demographic information on readership. Search by title, periodical classification, market area, or circulation size. Use the Rapid Report on the Reports & Tools to quickly see circulation statistics for an individual issue of a publication or to compare stats for multiple issues. Rapid Reports can be downloaded as PDF or Excel files.
Most recent 5 editions are available online; look up publications by name and find current circulation statistics, contact info, ad rates, publication frequency, subject area. For trends over longer time periods, consult the print (Z 6951 .A97) This directory is the current iteration of Ayer's (below).
Now known as the Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media (above), we have this resource in print as well as recent years online. First published in 1880, it was also known in later years as the IMS/Ayer Directory of publications. Useful for finding statistics on historical publications, and publications over time. Prior to Ayer's, previously known as Rowell's American Newspaper Directory (1869-1880). Call number Z 6951 .A97