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AAs 201

Charles Blow's Opinion

Who is Charles Blow?

Charles Blow is an Op-Ed columnist for the New York Times and in 2023 wrote a column advocating for African Americans to move back to the south.

Link to Blow's column and audio of Blow.
"Dear Black Americans: Please Move to the South"

 Available online


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Found in ProQuest

Return Migrations of African-Americans to the South: Reclaiming a Land of Promise, Going Home, or Both?*

Using samples of census data from the University of Minnesota Population Center's "Integrated Public Use Microdata Series" (IPUMS), we describe trends in African-American migration to the South across recent decades, and explore the applicability of the concept of "return migration" to various demographic patterns. Our findings suggest that the return movement contains multiple migration streams involving African-Americans of higher socio-economic status (compared with both origin and destination populations) moving to both urban and rural destinations. These patterns represent clear differences from the earlier 20th century's "Great Migration" of African-Americans from South to North. The recent return migration streams suggest that the South may be replacing the North as a "land of promise" for some upwardly mobile African-Americans, and may also reflect what Carol Stack (1996) has termed a "call to home" as a motivating factor shaping recent African-American migration to the rural South.

Last Updated: Feb 5, 2025 11:19 AM