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Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1190
(734) 936-3261
Finding Library Materials
Use the U-M Library Search Catalog to find the best resources for your research among the library's millions of books, journals, films, sound recordings, electronic resources and more.
Use WorldCat to search multiple library catalogs at once, including U-M Library Search Catalog. Titles that are not available through U-M may be easily requested via the Interlibrary Loan from the WorldCat record.
A collection of 500+ of literary, artistic and scientific works (in text, sound, image and video). Works belong to public domain or have authorized distribution.
From the Library of Congress, a curated guide including digitized primary source materials in a wide variety of formats, books and periodicals, online databases, and tips for searching.
From Indiana University, a bibliographic index and a collection of online resources, including online directory of institutions, a bibliography of print sources, and links to selected websites relevant to researchers.
Housed in the University of Michigan Library’s Joseph A. Labadie Collection. Some items are digitized and available through the Archives of Sexuality and Gender program. 24 Catalog results (updated October 2021). Image: Boletim do Quimbanda-Dudu/Grupo Gay Negro da Bahia (call number HQ 75.12 B688).
Born in São Paulo in 1966 from parents of Italian descent, Marcelo Mirisola is an acclaimed contemporary Brazilian author with over twenty books published since his 1998 debut. Acquired for the U-M Special Collections Research Center in 2022, the collection comprises mainly materials produced during the first 15 years of his career (1989 – 2004). Picture: Auto-retrato.
Available in print and online. Omenelick 2° ato é uma plataforma de comunicação empenhada em valorizar e refletir criticamente a produção artística da diáspora africana, bem como das manifestações culturais popular e urbana do ocidente negro, com especial destaque para o Brasil.