De Lorenzo, Leonardo. My Complete Story of the Flute: The Instrument, the Performer, the Music.
ML 935 .D36
Maclagan, Susan J. A Dictionary for the Modern Flutist.
ML 102 .F58 M33 2009
Toff, Nancy. The Flute Book: A Complete Guide for Students and Performers.
ML 935 .T65 2012
Boenke, Heidi M. Flute Music by Women Composers: An Annotated Catalog.
Reference: ML 128 .F7 B64 1988
Haug, Hermann. Bibliography and Discography on Music for Solo Wind Instruments and Orchestra.
Reference: ML 128 .W5 H381 2004 v.1
Munster, Peter van. Repertoire Catalogue: Piccolo, Alto Flute, Bass Flute.
Reference: ML 128 .F7 M8611 2004
Pellerite, James J. A Handbook of Literature for the Flute: Compilation of Graded Method Materials, Solos, and Ensemble Music for Flutes.
Reference: ML 128 .F7 P45 1978
Pierreuse, Bernard. Flute littérature: catalogue general des oeuvres éditées et inédites par formations instrumentals = General Catalog of Published and Unpublished Works by Instrumental Category.
Reference: ML 128 .F7 P54 1982
Vester, Frans. Flute Music of the 18th Century: An Annotated Bibliography.
Reference: ML 128 .F7 V46 1985
Vester, Frans. Flute Repertoire Catalogue: 10,000 Titles.
Reference: ML 128 .F7 V48 1967
Debost, Michel. The Simple Flute: From A to Z.
MT 340 .D4313 2002
Dick, Robert. The Other Flute: A Performance Manual of Contemporary Techniques.
MT 340 .D55
Floyd, Angeleita Stevens. The Gilbert Legacy: Methods, Exercises and Techniques for the Flutist.
MT 342 .F64 1990
Hotteterre, Jacques-Martin. Rudiments of the Flute, Recorder & Oboe (Principes de la flûte traversière).
MT 342 .H833 1968
Howell, Thomas. The Avant-Garde Flute: A Handbook for Composers and Flutists.
ML 935 .H86
Krell, John C. Kincaidiana: A Flute Player's Notebook.
MT 340 .K92
Pellerite, James J. A Modern Guide to Fingerings for the Flute.
MT 345 .P39 1972
Quantz, Johann Joachim. On Playing the Flute (Versuch einer Anweisung die Flöte traversiere zu spielen).
MT 340 .Q183 1985b
Taffanel, Claude, and Philippe Gaubert. Méthode complète de flûte.
MT 342 .T12 1958
Tromlitz, Johann George. The Keyed Flute (Über die Flöten mit mehrern Klappen).
MT 348 .T863 1996
Tromlitz, Johann George. The Virtuoso Flute Player (Ausführlicher und gründlicher Unterricht die Flöte zu spielen).
MT 342 .T853 1991
Wye Trevor. A Trevor Wye Practice Book for the Flute.
MT 345 .W97
Wye, Trevor. Proper Flute Playing: A Companion to the Practice Books.
MT 345 .W972 1988
Online bibliography: Bibliography of Flute Method Books, compiled by Ardal Powell.
Blakeman, Edward. Taffanel: Genius of the Flute.
ML 419 .T12 B53 2005
Dorgeuille, Claude. The French Flute School, 1860-1950.
ML 937 .D6713 1986
McCutchan, Ann. Marcel Moyse: Voice of the Flute.
ML 419 .M82 M33 1994
Rampal, Jean-Pierre, and Deborah Wise. Music, My Love: An Autobiography.
ML 419 .R33 A3 1989
Toff, Nancy. Monarch of the Flute: The Life of Georges Barrère.
ML 419 .B185 T641 2005
Bate, Philip. The Flute: A Study of its History, Development and Construction.
ML 935 .B33 1979
Böhm, Theobald. The Flute and Flute-Playing in Acoustical, Technical, and Artistic Aspects.
ML 936 .B673 1922a
Brown, Rachel. The Early Flute: A Practical Guide.
ML 937 .B761 2002
Montagu, Jeremy, et al. "Flute." In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians.
Reference: ML 100 .N53 2001
also available electronically: "Flute" in Oxford Music Online
Meylan, Raymond. The Flute.
ML 935 .M623 1988
Phelan, J. James. The Complete Guide to the Flute and Piccolo.
ML 936 .P41 2000
Powell, Ardal. The Flute.
ML 935 .P691 2002
Solum, John. The Early Flute.
ML 935 .S661 1992
Toff, Nancy. The Development of the Modern Flute.
ML 935 .T64