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Reaxys: Beilstein/Gmelin/Patent Chemistry

Resources and how-to guide to use Reaxys efficiently

What can you use Reaxys for?

Through Reaxys interface, you can search Beilstein, Gmelin, and Patent Chemistry database to retrieve the following content and the references to literature in which these content appear. 

  • Chemical Substances
  • Measured Substance Property Data (Physical, Biochemical, Application, 
  • Chemical Reactions

Access to Reaxys

You may access Reaxys here

Reaxys is a Java-free application. It works on Mac and Windows and is supported on the following browsers:

  • Firefox (version 49 or higher)
  • Chrome (version 53 or higher)
  • Edge (HTML version 14 or higher, browser version 27 or higher)
  • Safari (version 9)
  • Internet Explorer (version 11)

Please check Reaxys documents for details about tested environment. 


The three databases behind Reaxys interface contains: 

  • Selected core chemistry journals(1771-) (organic, organometallic, inorganic chemistry) 
  • Selected organic chemistry patent publications(1803-1980) 
  • English-language organic chemistry patent publications (WO, US, EP 1976-) from the primary International Patent Class IPC  C07 Organic Chemistry, A61K medicinal Preparations(with C07 as sec. IPC), A01N Biocides, Agrochemicals, C09B Dyes
Last Updated: Jan 12, 2021 12:48 PM
Subjects: Science