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Article Databases

Use the following databases to find articles & other resources on musical topics.

Navigating Database Records

Below is a sample record from RILM for a journal article. Under "Indexing (details)," you can see that "The organist in Ives" is the title of the article, while the publication is the Journal of the American Musicological Society. The volume, issue, and pagination are also provided. The "Subjects" are much like the Library of Congress subject headings found in a library catalog. It can be helpful to look at these, as they may give you ideas of other terms to use in your search.

Getting the Article

To access an article, look for a PDF icon or MGet It button in the record; the location of the icon varies from one database to the next. Below is an example from RILM, where the icon appears on the right side of the record. Click on the MGet It button. If there is electronic access to an article, you will be taken directly to it. It will also tell you if there is no online access to an item— in that case you should do a title search in the Library Catalog on the "source" title to see if the journal is held in print.

Last Updated: Jan 29, 2025 11:31 PM
Subjects: Arts