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EndNote Essentials

Information on how to use many of the tools and features in EndNote, a tool that can help you store and organize citation information and format bibliographies and papers.

What is EndNote?

EndNote is citation management software that helps you organize citations and format bibliographies in different formats (APA, MLA, specific journal styles, etc.). EndNote is software that you install on your computer. If you want to use EndNote, you or your department must purchase a license. Note: Some departments may already have licenses, so check in with them.

How do I access EndNote?

EndNote is available on library computers in ScholarSpace and library classrooms, in some departmental labs, and all CAEN computers on campus.  It is available to install on faculty and staff work computers if your unit is a UMICH ITAM Member.  

For students or for personal devices: Check with your department to see if there is a departmental license. If not, students, faculty & staff may buy EndNote from the ITS Software Store using a departmental shortcode.

If no other options are available you can purchase the software from the EndNote website.  

Citation Manager Comparison

Trying to figure out which citation manager is right for you?  This document contains a comparison of citation managers that ScholarSpace supports (Endnote, Zotero, and Mendeley).

Last Updated: Jan 8, 2025 1:57 PM