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Creative Commons

Provides information about Creative Commons licenses, which allow you to share, reuse, and remix images, video, music, and other content.

Best Practices for Attributing CC-Licensed Works

All Creative Commons licenses require attribution. However, the licenses are deliberately flexible about the requirements for that attribution. The Best Practices for Attribution are outlined on the Creative Commons wiki.

That page, which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license, provides the following guidelines for attribution in specific media:

Best practices for attribution apply as reasonable to the medium you're working with. For media such as offline materials, video, audio, and images, consider:

  1. Publishing a web page with attribution information. For example, on a webpage featuring your audio recording, provide a credit list of material you used that adheres to best practices above. Doing so allows not only your material, but the materials you attribute, to be found by search engines and other web discovery tools. If possible within the medium, make the Author, Source, and License links the user can follow.
  2. Mentioning the credits within the media itself. For example, crediting videos can be a simple list of the materials used with their associated licenses in a screen at the end of a video. For audio, it can be a verbal recitation of credits at the end of the recording.
Last Updated: Jan 6, 2025 3:00 PM