Korean Legal Research at the University of Washington 한국법학연구지침
감사원 The Board of Audit and Inspection of Korea
고용노동부 Ministry of Employment and Labor
교육과학기술부 Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
국가인권위원회 National Human Rights Commission of Korea
국가지식포털 Korea Knowledge Portal
국무총리실 Office of the Prime Minister
국방부 Ministry of National Defense
국토해양부 The Ministry of Land, Transport, and Maritime Affairs
국회예산 정책처 The National Assembly Budget Office
대법원 Supreme Court of Korea
대한민국 국회 The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea
대한민국 정책포털 Korean.kr 공감코리아
문화재청 Cultural Properties Administration
문화체육관광부 Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
민원24시 Government for Citizen
방송통신위원회 Korea Communications Commission
법무부 Ministry of Justice
보건복지부 Ministry for Health and Welfare
여성가족부 Ministry of Gender Equality and Family
외교통상부 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
중앙선거관리위원회 National Election Commission
지식경제부 Ministry of Knowledge Economy
청와대 Chong Wa Dae; Office of the President
통일부 Ministry of Unification
한국사회과학자료원 KOSSDA:Korean Social Science Data Archive
헌법재판소 Constitutional Court of Korea
환경부 Ministry of Environment Republic of Korea