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Translation Studies

Resources for finding translations, conducting research in translation studies, and locating online tools for translators.

Databases and indexes

To locate translations of specific works, search the WorldCat for the author and/or the original title of the work and limit the search to the desired language using the drop-down box below. The list of results will indicate which items can be found in the U-M Library. If we don't have a particular title in our collections, you can request it through interlibrary loan. The link to the request form can be found in each WorldCat record as well as here.

Another place to look is UNESCO's Index Translationum: its online database includes translations published since 1979, while the print edition lists translations registered between 1932 and 1986.

Translation Database records new translations of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and children's books published or distributed in the U.S. since January 1st, 2008.

Finnish Literature in Translation provides information on translations of Finnish, Finland Swedish and Sami fiction and non-fiction.

Japanese Literature in English is a searchable database that compiles all literary works translated from Japanese to English and available in the United States.

Japanese Literature in Translation Search covers Japanese literary works translated into other languages, mostly after World War II. Searches can be made either in Japanese characters or Roman letters.

Finding English Translations of Vocal Music Texts
is a research guide from U-M Music Library.

Finding Translations on the Web

There are many sites devoted to individual authors that contain translated texts. You can find them searching for e.g. "German literature translation", "Tolstoy translation", etc. However, be cautious and look for signs that the translation has some kind of authority behind it. Who is sponsoring the site? If the text has been scanned, has it been done accurately? In a word, be critical. If in doubt, turn for help to an expert.

Romanization of Non-Roman Scripts

Last Updated: Feb 5, 2025 11:14 AM
Tags: translations