Provider of electronic versions of popular reference books in engineering and applied sciences. Titles include Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook and Lange's Handbook of Chemistry.
Covers all aspects of chemical engineering. Includes full-text of the print edition in Adobe Acrobat PDF; enhanced data in table format; extensive indexing for quick look-up; searching, printing, and copying capabilities.
Indexes and Abstracts
Search for journal articles, conference papers, and research reports in these databases. For a complete list of databases for General Engineering, please see Library Databases Search.
The broad subject areas of engineering and applied science are comprehensively represented. Coverage includes nuclear technology, bioengineering, transportation, chemical and process engineering, light and optical technology, agricultural engineering and
Covers the world-wide literature (mainly journal articles and conference proceedings papers) in astronomy, physics, electronics and electrical engineering, computers and control, and information technology.
Comprehensive engineering and technology database providing access to the combined records of the CSA Engineering Research Database, the CSA High Technology Research Database with Aerospace, and the CSA Materials Research Database with METADEX.
Covers journals, patents, and websites (16,500+ titles) from 4,000+ publishers. Coverage mainly from 1995 on with limited earlier coverage. Searchable by cited-reference (forward citation searching).
Combines three citation indexes--Arts & Humanities, Science Expanded, and Social Sciences--which permit searching for articles that cite a known author or work, as well as searching by subject, author, journal, and author address. Covers 8,400+ journals.