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North Campus Research Complex

Provides resources and services to meet the needs of individuals and groups housed at the North Campus Research Complex (NCRC). Visit MLibrary@NCRC in Building 18, Room G018.

Library and Information Services

MLibrary@NCRC provides innovative library services to meet the unique information needs of interdisciplinary and translational researchers, including academic and industry partners, and to support the strategic growth of NCRC and the university.  The library welcomes anyone housed at NCRC:  research cores and clusters, companies, groups involved with public-private partnerships, etc.   

Please contact us with questions about services and resources: Visit us at NCRC Building 18, Room G218.


Education and Instruction 

  • Instruction (individual and group workshops) on both licensed and open databases, patent resources and Web resources.
  • Training on basic to advanced information-seeking topics, such as using collaborative tools, comprehensive literature searching, interdisciplinary searching, utilizing social media, maintaining information currency, and grant seeking.
  • Research assistance and consultations: How do I find….? Can you check…? Where do I begin…?

Expert Searching

  • Complex literature and other database searching.
  • Partnering in the creation of systematic reviews and practice guidelines.
  • Effective use of molecular and sequence databases and data analysis tools.

Data Management

  • Assist with funding agency data management plan preparation and implementation.
  • Instruction on spatial analysis tools.
  • Locating and acquiring digital numeric and spatial data sets for individual research.


  • Discussions with university and corporate clients on database selection, acquisition, and licensing.
  • Consultations and partnering with university and corporate clients to adjust services and resources based on changing information needs.
  • Conducting information needs reviews (what tools are being used? can they be used more efficiently? what is still needed?)

Resource Management

  • Facilitating cost-sharing for resources when possible.
  • Identifying molecular or sequence databases and data analysis tools for use.
  • Development of customized online resources.

Collaboration and Outreach

  • Participation on committees, standing meetings, or projects—short or long term
  •  “Information hub” services: Where on campus can I find…?
  • On-site departmental office hours.


Last Updated: Feb 5, 2025 10:55 AM