Information on the economics of the chemical industry. Reports include manufacturing processes, producers, production and sales, consumption, price, and trade.
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) provides policy-independent data, forecasts, and analyses to promote sound policy making, efficient markets, and public understanding regarding energy, and its interaction with the economy and the environment.
Use ThomasNet to identify suppliers in more than 67,000 categories including Electronics, Chemicals, Machinery, Instruments, and others. (Does not include pricing info)
Offers data helpful in the selection, processing, performance, and analysis of structural materials, especially metals and alloys. Titles include ASM Medical Materials Database.
Provider of electronic versions of popular reference books in engineering and applied sciences. Titles include Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, and Machinery's Handbook.
The Materials for Medical Devices Database brings to your desktop a set of mechanical, physical, biological response, and drug compatibility properties for the materials and coatings used in medical devices.
Select materials by name or designation, search for materials that meet your property requirements, find metals based on their constituent elements, or search for specific materials.
Covers the world-wide literature (mainly journal articles and conference proceedings papers) in astronomy, physics, electronics and electrical engineering, computers and control, and information technology.
Comprehensive engineering and technology database providing access to the combined records of the CSA Engineering Research Database, the CSA High Technology Research Database with Aerospace, and the CSA Materials Research Database with METADEX.
Combined access to Chemical Abstracts CAPlus, Registry, CASREACT, CHEMLIST, CHEMCAT databases and Medline. Search by chemical structure or substructure, reaction, name, formula, etc. or natural language queries. Deeplinks to e-articles. Software required (See link). 8-user limit. Software and database use restricted to current UM-affiliates only.
This database contains a comprehensive body of technology knowledge and is a resource used by thousands of organizations to help decision makers capitalize on information technologies and markets.
Library of reports covering IT infrastructure, wireless technology, security, data networking, technology vendors, and more. Useful for tracking technology trends, strategic planning, competitive analysis, market awareness, and product/vendor evaluation.