Certain disciplines, journals, and document types may not be well represented in the more traditional sources for citation analysis, such as Web of Science. In this situation, it becomes necessary to find alternative sources for locating citations to an author or published work. This page identifies potential alternative sources grouped by their database search interface since each of the sources within a group would have a common search strategy for extracting citation information.
Click on any option below to go to the information for that source
Database Description:
Astrophysics Data System Abstract Service - a digital library portal for researchers in astronomy and physics. It is operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory under a NASA grant. When you run a search, entries that have been cited by others will list how many have cited this entry and will provide a link to those entries.
Biomed Central - open access biomedical journals. Use the Advanced Search to search the References field. Articles are also marked in red as Highly Accessed if they are accessed more frequently than would be expected but there is no indication of what benchmarks are used to make this designation. On the home page there are also links for Most Viewed and Most Forwarded articles.
Database Descriptions:
Database Description:
To see if a patent has been cited by other patents:
These full-text journal collections do not provide a special search option for finding citing articles or show links to citing articles. But since the full text of the articles also includes the references, it is possible to search for citations using basic keyword searching methods.
Be Aware: Each of these collections has a somewhat different search mechanism, so the directions given here have been written in general terms that then must be applied to the specific search entry requirements of a given collection.
IEEE Xplore contains almost 2 million articles and papers from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineer's (IEEE) journals and conference proceedings. The subject of "Electrical Engineering" is broadly defined here and articles may be found from all areas of engineering in which electronics may be applied. IEEE Xplore's citation information only covers what other IEEE publications are citing each other.
inSPIRE - indexes the literature of particle and high-energy physics. Use the Advanced Search to search in the Reference field to find an author cited in other entries. Entries will also indicate how often an article has been cited in other entries and will provide a link to those entries.
PLOS is a platform of free, open access journals, primarily in science and medicine but the journal PLOS One is interdisciplinary. All articles show the metrics for the article including number of views, whether the article has been cited, whether the article has been bookmarked, and whether any blogs have discussed the article. In an Advanced Search you can search the References field to find articles that have cited a particular author.
Database Descriptions:
Sage Journals Online - full text journals published by Sage, most going back to volume 1 issue 1 for the title. Covers communication studies, criminology, education, health sciences, management & organization studies, materials science, political science, psychology, sociology and urban studies & planning. Use the dropdown menu to change the search field to References.
AIP Scitation - search recent volumes of scholarly journals in physics and engineering published by the American Institute of Physics. Choose the Advanced Search. Use the dropdown menu to change the field to Cited Author.
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has two patent databases:
Directions for finding citation information in the Issued Patent database: