Online access to EIU publications, reports and data including China Hand, Country Briefings, Country Commerce, Country Finance, Country Profiles, Country Reports, and European Policy Analyst. Limited to authorized UM users.
Covers external debt stocks and flows, major economic aggregates and key debt ratios as well as long-term debt, debt restructuring, and sheduled debt service projections. Open access.
The IFS database contains approximately 32,000 time series covering more than 200 countries and areas. Data can be exported in Excel, CSV, Tab delimited, and HTML formats. Limited to authorized UM users.
Search Tables Research Edition allows a search within digital versions of 130,000 statistical tables. Search Abstracts allows users to search the abstracts of statistical publications from business and federal and state government. UM users only.
Statistical data bases of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. In-depth time series of data for the Western European countries, United States, Canada, Japan, and Australia. UM users only.
Contains international trade statistics, detailed by commodity and partner country, for 200 countries. Commodities are classified according to SITC and the Harmonized System (HS) (from 1988 with revisions in 1996 and 2002). UM has premium subscription for bulk data downloads. UM users only.
Statistics produced by countries and compiled by the United Nations data system, as well as estimates and projections. Covers agriculture, education, energy, industry, labour, national accounts, population and tourism. Open access.
Includes think tank documents including working papers, policy briefs, and current analysis and commentary, as well as scholarly journal articles, e-books, and videos. Economist Intelligence Unit supplies comprehensive country surveys, including in-depth political and economic data and detailed maps. U-M users only.
Online, fully searchable and browsable collection of over 3,900 World Bank documents. Includes over 1,600 World Bank publications and over 2,300 Policy Research Working Papers, plus each new book and paper as they are published. UM users only.