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Industrial and Operations Engineering (IOE)

This subject guide provides a starting point for research in industrial and operations engineering.

Manage Your Research Identity

To learn more about managing your researcher identity, please see the library's Research Impact Challenge guide.

Do you have a very common name, or have you published using different version of your name over the years? Maintaining your digital research persona using tools like ORCID and database author profiles can help to ensure that your name and institution are easily distinguishable from other similarly-named authors, and that you receive proper attribution for your publications.

    ORCID is a cross-platform persistent digital identifier that integrates with multiple publication data sources to clearly connect you to your publications. See the University of Michigan Libraries ORCID guide to learn more and create a new account or link an existing account to your U-M credentials.
  • ResearcherID (Web of Science)
    ResearcherIDs can be linked with your ORCID ID and further help gather accurate citation metrics and publications in Web of Knowledge, enhancing the visibility and accuracy of your publishing record.
  • Google Scholar Citations Profile
    Creating a Google Scholar profile similarly helps to disambiguate your publication, name, and institution information within Google Scholar, aiding in accurate citation tracking. Making your profile page public and linking to it from other scholarly and social accounts further increases your research visibility.
  • Scopus author profile
    Scopus author profiles contain a list of your publications in Scopus, citation counts for all of your articles, your H-Index, and charts that visualize your citation metrics within Scopus.
  • Michigan Research Experts
    Michigan Experts identifies citation counts, grants, and co-authorship networks and is focused on U-M health science researchers.
Last Updated: Feb 26, 2025 10:40 AM
Subjects: Engineering