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Psych 250 (020) Introduction to Developmental Psychology

Suggested library resources for this course, taught by Professor Jodl

Suggested journals

Click on the "available online" link within the catalog record in order to access the journals below. These are a small selection of potentially relevant scholarly publications. 

About Reference Books

Reference books, like encyclopedias and handbooks, provide background information about a topic.

Reference books can help you:

  • Explore a topic: find out what has been said about this subject, trends, issues, etc.
  • Identify and define unfamiliar terms or people in your reading
  • Find references to other books and articles on the subject
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"The purpose of an encyclopedia is to summarize and codify knowledge in a given field. This is in contrast to a handbook, which offers essays on cutting-edge research in a field, or a dictionary, which provides short, to-the-point definitions of key concepts in a field."
Source: Sica, A. (2001). Encyclopedias, Handbooks, and Dictionaries. In N.J. Smelser & P.B. Baltes (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Retrieved from As cited in American Library Association. (2011). ALA Guide to Sociology & Psychology Reference. Chicago: Author.

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