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Psych 250 (020) Introduction to Developmental Psychology

Suggested library resources for this course, taught by Professor Jodl

APA Style

Supplemental Online Guides

Tutorial from APA that walks students and researchers through the basics of APA 7

Using PsycINFO Tools to Copy and Paste the APA citation

When you find an article in PsycINFO, you can use the Cite Tool to copy and paste the APA citation.

  • Make sure you are in the article record (click the title of the article in the results list)
  • Look for the Tools menu on the right-hand column
    • Toggle the expand/collapse button if you can't see the Tools menu
  • Click the Cite Tool
  • A Citation Format box will open with the pre-formatted citation in a number of different styles
  • Scroll down to find the APA citation
    • Copy and paste it into your bibliography
  • Make sure to always double-check the citation for accuracy! These citations are machine-generated and occasionally contain errors.

screenshot showing location of Cite Tool


screenshot showing where to scroll down to find the APA citation