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Mongolian Studies

Key Databases

Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies

Historical Abstracts with Full Text (EBSCO)

Historical Abstracts covers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present, including world history, military history, women's history, history of education, and more. The database indexes more than 1,700 academic historical journals in over 40 languages back to 1955.

Anthropology Plus (EBSCO)

A comprehensive, international index to the literature of anthropology and archaeology. Anthropology Plus combines two major indexes: Anthropological Literature from Harvard's Peabody Museum and the Royal Anthropological Institute's Anthropological Index, from the UK. Includes journal articles, reports, commentaries and obituaries of at least two pages in length, from over 2,500 core journals journals and books in monographic series. Covers the fields of social, cultural, physical, biological, and linguistic anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, and material culture.  Covers early 19th century to the present.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses

Offers indexing and authors' abstracts for most doctoral dissertations and some masters theses accepted each year in the United States and Canada (since 1861), plus thousands more from Great Britain and Ireland (since 1716), and selected other universities around the world (as far back as 1637).  Includes full-text (in PDF) of many dissertations.

КиберЛенинка = CyberLeninka

This open access, full-text database enables users to cross search thousands of academic journals throughout Russia, including from regions most closely associated with Mongolia, such as the Вестник Бурятского государственного университета (Bulletin of the Buriat State University) and Вестник Тувинского государственного университета (Bulletin of the Tuva State University) series. 

Российское общество монголоведов = Russian Society of Mongolian Studies

Not a conventional database, rather, this scholarly institution's site hosts a wealth of individual essays and whole collections of articles (sborniki), all available for full-text PDF download. Content organized by subject, including anthropology, folklore, history, linguistics, philosophy, sociology, and more. 

中国蒙古文期刊网 = China Mongolian Periodical Network

An open access full-text database of Mongolian-language academic journals published in China.

Last Updated: Jan 6, 2025 9:57 AM