A lengthy list of resources compiled by Nathan Light (presently Uppsala University, Sweden) for the Silkroad Foundation. Has an emphasis on works produced in English and other Western European languages.
Another sizable list of resources compiled by one research specialist.
Not especially long but aimed at an English-speaking audience, this list of monographs and periodical literature on Mongolian history was compiled by Robert L. Worden and Andrea Matles Savada, authors of Mongolia: A Country Study (Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, 1989)
While some important and representative dictionaries are highlighted below, there are a great many more in our library holdings, including some specialized dictionaries, for instance. The following links lead to library catalog search results containing multiple dictionaries.
Various Mongolian dictionaries
Buriat dictionaries
Kalmyk dictionaries
Oirat dictionaries
Tuvinian (Tuvan) dictionaries
English-Mongolian dictionaries (Mongol-Angli tol')
Chinese-Mongolian dictionaries (Many of these are in fact polyglot dictionaries, including languages like Manchu, Japanese, and/or Tibetan)
Russian-Mongolian dictionaries
Bibliographies constitute comprehensive records of the sources or scholarship produced in a certain place and/or period of time. As such, they can be invaluable resources for researchers.
As with the dictionaries, we link to a few individual bibliographies farther down, but those are a mere sampling of the number and variety of bibliographies available. The links immediately below capture the genre's broader scope.
"National Bibliographies"
Like Mongolia itself, the heavily Mongol republics in Russia do not currently produce a national bibliography. However, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign's International and Area Studies Library has produced useful lists of existing resources and strategies for getting at the content that such bibliographies would contain:
National Bibliography of Buriatiia
National Bibliography of Kalmykiia
National Bibliography of Tyva (Tuva)
In the U-M Library
Many additional bibliographies can be found using U-M's Library Search (catalog) with the proper search techniques. The following links lead to lists of catalog results. The bibliographies therein span languages and are diverse in thematic scope.
Specifically Russian-language bibliographies on Mongolia/Mongols
Sample Bibliographies
The following examples are meant to introduce the sometimes surprising variety of bibliographies available.