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Obtaining Copyright Permissions

Explains how to find copyright holders and get permission to use different copyrighted works.

When to Seek Permission

Remember that you do not need permission if you are using something that is not copyrightable or is in the public domain. You also don't need permission if you are using it in a way that does not implicate one of the rights of copyright holders or is permitted by a user’s right, such as fair use. For more information on these topics, please consult Copyright Basics.

Collective Management Organizations for Dramatic Works

The collective management organizations listed below license plays and musicals for amateur and professional performances in the United States.

Identifying Copyright Holders for Dramatic Works

Types of Theatrical License

The details of a theatrical license may include whether the production is amateur or professional, the price of tickets, the size of the venue, the financing of the production, and the location of the production. Some firms offer special licenses for performances at festivals or competitions. Before contacting a licensing agency for your theatrical performance, you should think about these details.

Last Updated: Nov 21, 2024 9:14 AM