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NIH: Consensus Development Conference on Diagnosis and Management of Dental Caries Throughout Life: Background

NIH organized conference that produced consensus statements on important and controversial topics in medicine and dentistry.


This page gives some very minimal statistics on the database searches for the entire project. The following table shows the numbers by research team for:

  • the number of questions for which searches were requested (# Questions);
  • the number of final searches required to address those questions (# Searches);
  • and the total number of citations retrieved in all the final searches for all the questions for a given team (# Citations).

This data includes both the MEDLINE and the EMBASE searches. Please note that for most teams, several preliminary searches were conducted prior to arriving at the final search. Also, please note that represented in the number of citations are duplicate citations which may have been reviewed in different contexts within a single research team or by multiple research teams. These figures do notrepresent unique citations.

Search Statistics Chart
Teams# Questions# Searches# Citations
TOTALS 42 100 29,658
Anusavice 2 6 3241
Bowen 4 8 931
Burt 2 4 977
Clarkson 4 8 1064
Leake 1 2 827
McComb 2 4 1372
4 8 3086
Reisine 8 16 2803
Rozier 1 2 1027
Shuler 4 14 3990
Stookey 4 8 2793
Tanzer 2 12 5473
Tinanoff 1 2 825
Zero 3 6 1249
Last Updated: Dec 16, 2024 3:40 PM