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This is a guide to finding Library materials and getting started with research in the area of dance.

U-M Library Catalog Search Tips

1. Use quotes to search for an exact phrase: e.g., "martha graham" or "contact improvisation"

2. Use “AND” to combine multiple search terms: e.g., dance AND anthropology

Finding Books on Dance

Use the Library Catalog to search for books. If you know the name of the book you need, simply enter the title into the search field. Use quotes around phrases for the best results.


To find books on a particular topic, try an "All Fields" search on the Library Catalog Advanced Search page. If that retrieves too many results, try a "Subject" search in the pull-down menu to focus your results. You may also find it useful to use one or more of the numerous filters available on the Advanced Search page.


Navigating Your Results

From your list of results, you can use the refining options on the left to further filter the results. Otherwise, look for relevant items and click on the title to see more information about the item.

Once you're in the catalog record, you can see more information about the item by clicking "Show Complete Record." For many materials, the table of contents is viewable as well.

Last Updated: Feb 5, 2025 10:17 AM