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Digital Archiving

Provides guidance on organizing, archiving, backing up, and preserving your personal digital files in a variety of media formats, including text, photos, audio and video.

Books on Digital Archiving at U-M Library

Online Resources on Digital Archiving


This Digital Preservation Coalition Technology Watch Report explores some of the key challenges individuals face as they struggle to manage and store their digital files. The problems and recommendations outlined in the report can aid individual creators and users of personal digital archives, as well as the curators who may be in a position to provide advice about what to keep and how to preserve it, in their efforts to preserve personal digital files for the long term.

This publication collects key posts on personal digital archiving from The Signal, the Library of Congress digital preservation blog. Perspectives on Personal Digital Archiving is intended as a primer for the digital archive novice, as well as a refresher for those with more experience.

This guide from the University of Michigan Library offers information about using digital preservation best practices to keep your digital materials safe, so that you will be able to access them into the future. 

Web Sites

The Library of Congress Personal Archiving page contains links to videos and resources for archiving your personal digital collection, including format-specific guidance and suggestions for low-cost archiving solutions.


Last Updated: Nov 13, 2024 1:18 PM