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Telehealth Resources

A jumping off point for telemedicine-related information seeking, learning, and teaching.

Search Strategies: PubMed, Engineering Village, Scopus

Below are some basic search strategies that you can use to begin exploring the telemedicine literature.   You can edit and combine with other terminology to make the search more focused (e.g., combine with cost-related terminology).

Please feel free to contact me for an in depth, individual information consultation: Judy Smith:

PubMed Search

Copy and paste the search below into PubMed.  This search limits your results to review articles over the past five years.

Tip: Sort by BEST MATCH at the top of the screen.

((telemedicine[MeSH Terms] OR telemedicine[title/abstract] OR telehealth[title/abstract] OR telecare[title/abstract] OR telecommunications[MeSH Terms] OR telecommunications[title/abstract] OR teleconference[title/abstract]) AND Review[ptyp] AND "last 5 years"[PDat])

Engineering Village

Copy and paste the search below into Engineering Village's EXPERT SEARCH box.

The search below looks for the terminology in the record's title, abstact, or subject heading over the past five years.

((((telemedicine  OR  telehealth  OR  telecare) WN KY)) AND ((2019 OR 2018 OR 2017 OR 2016 OR 2015) WN YR))


Copy and paste the search below into the Scopus ADVANCED SEARCH option.

The search is limited to review articles from the past five years.

( TITLE ( telemedicine  OR  telehealth  OR  telecare )  OR  ABS ( telemedicine  OR  telehealth  OR  telecare ) )  AND  ( LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR ,  2019 )  OR  LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR ,  2018 )  OR  LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR ,  2017 )  OR  LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR ,  2016 )  OR  LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR ,  2015 ) )  AND  ( LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE ,  "re" ) ) 

Last Updated: Nov 7, 2024 10:56 AM