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Peer Review in the Sciences

Resources for performing peer review service and navigating the peer review process as an author.

University of Michigan Author's Addendum

The copyright transfer contract that an author is asked to sign need not be the final agreement. Authors can attach addendums to secure their rights and ensure they do not inadvertently lose rights they desire to keep. To facilitate this, the University of Michigan has produced an Author’s Addendum which can be attached to publishing contracts. Secured rights include the ability to deposit a copy of the article/manuscript in Deep Blue, to use the article for non-commercial, educational purposes, and to post a copy on the author’s personal website. If you have questions about using the Author’s Addendum, email

Click on the "+" sign for more information on the U-M Author's Addendum

Track your research impact

After you publish your article, you may want to know how it has impacted the scientific community. Using these tools, you can keep track of how many citations your article has received, who has cited your article, and your overall research impact. 

Your research productivity and impact can be measured using the h-index. An index of h means that your h most highly cited articles have at least h citations each. 


Traditional metrics focus on citation counts. As social media plays a more important role in scholarly communication, alternative metrics ("altmetrics") are receiving more attention as measures of research impact. Click here to see examples from PlumAnalytics and ImpactStory

Find more about almetrics here.

Deposit your article/manuscript

After your article is published, you may want to deposit thearticles or a peer-reviewed version of the manuscript to:

  • Our institutional repository, DeepBlue, for long term preservation and broader access

Deep Blue is the University of Michigan's permanent, safe, and accessible service for representing our rich intellectual community. Its primary goal is to provide access to the work that makes Michigan a leader in research, teaching, and creativity. Check DeepBlue site for instructions on how to deposit you articles and other research output to the repository. 

  • Designated repositories (such as PubMed Central) as required by your funding agencies (such as NIH)

Check the guide page on National Institutes of Health Public Access Policy (NIHPAP) for details on how to deposit your article or manuscript.

If you have transfered the copyright to the publisher and did not ask the publisher to sign the Author's Addendum, you may not be allowed to deposit the published article to either type of repository. Check the publisher's website for the Author's Rights page to determine their policies. Many publishers make special arrangement to allow and streamline the deposit of articles into PubMed Central. See this page for methods (Methods A-D) for depositing articles into PubMed Central. Also, this page lists publishers who will deposit articles into PubMed Central upon request. Pay attention to which version of the article/manuscript will be deposited and whether this involves a fee.

Sharing your data

After your article is published, what do you do with the underlying data? Instead of letting your data go forgotten on your hard drive, you can turn them into citeable outputs or publications, which not only earns you additional credit but also allows your data to be re-used by other researchers in new ways. 

Deposit your data into data repositories/archives. 

There are hundreds of repositories for particular types of research data. These repositories typically make your data available to the public (or to a more restricted audience) and assign a digital object identifier (DOI) to persistently index your data. Search Databib, OpenDOAR, or re3data to find a good home for your data. When submitting your data to a data repository, you should include a "readme" file or other documentation that describes your data (i.e., How were data collected and processed? What do the column headers indicate? What are your units of measurement, etc.?) to ensure that your data will be meaningful to others.

Publish your data as a "data paper".

A new type of article called a "data paper" has emerged in recent years. Data papers provide a detailed descriptions of publically available datasets with high re-use potential. Browse Preparde's list of "data journals" for a growing number of peer-reviewed journals that publish data papers. 

Now, others can cite your data.

After you have deposited your data in a data repository or published a data paper, others can cite your data much like a regular journal article.  For instance . . . 

Elena SF, Lenski RE (1997) Data from: Test of synergistic interactions among deleterious mutations in bacteria. Dryad Digital Repository. doi:10.5061/dryad.rg8mb

Vanni MJ, Renwick WH, Gonzalez MJ (2013) Nutrient and sediment concentrations in three agriculturally-impacted streams over a 15-year period. Ecology, 94: 978; Ecological Archives E094-085.

You can track citations to your data using Data Citation Index (available through UM subscription). 

Last Updated: Feb 4, 2025 1:51 PM