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Organizational Studies

Provides resources, strategies, and information on conducting research in organizational studies.

About Reference Works and Background Information

"The purpose of an encyclopedia is to summarize and codify knowledge in a given field. This is in contrast to a handbook, which offers essays on cutting-edge research in a field, or a dictionary, which provides short, to-the-point definitions of key concepts in a field."
Source: Sica, A. (2001). Encyclopedias, Handbooks, and Dictionaries. In N.J. Smelser & P.B. Baltes (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Retrieved from As cited in American Library Association. (2011). ALA Guide to Sociology & Psychology Reference. Chicago: Author.

Use reference materials to find background information.  Reference books can help you:

  • Explore a topic: find out what has been said about this subject, trends, issues, etc.
  • Identify and define unfamiliar terms or people in your reading
  • Find references to other books and articles on the subject
  • Find specific keywords to use in online searches

Reference Works

Organizational Studies & Behavior

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