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Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps

Introduction to finding and using Sanborn fire insurance maps.

Using This Index

Identifying Microfilm Reels

Look under Ypsilanti (reel 39) and then the date(s).

Note:The hyphenated dates given represent the date of original edition and the date of hand updates (for instance, Feb. 1927-July 1950 represents maps first issued in Feb. 1927 which have been hand updated through July 1950).

If the years desired are not covered by this set, you may wish to check an external resource, or the second microfilm set (Grad Serials/Microforms Film 30088) listed on the Sanborn Maps on Microfilm page. This set includes 1964 Sanborn maps of Ypsilanti on reel 24.

The Notes Column

In the Notes column are the "500" and "000" series numbers that identify volumes acquired from the Bureau of the Census, additional place names cited by the publisher in map titles, and other distinctive features of the map. Variations from the standard size (65 x 55 cm) are also noted in Notes. Editions issued in atlas format are described as bound.

Sanborn Microfilm Series Index: Ypsilanti

The following index, which is derived from is Fire Insurance Plans in the Library of Congress: A Checklist, is useful for identifying Sanborn maps of Ypsilanti and found in the following microfilm set held by the Hatcher Graduate Library's Serials and Microforms Department

Sanborn Map Company.  Sanborn fire insurance maps, Michigan.  Teaneck, NJ: Chadwyck-Healey, 1983-1990.
Location: Grad Serials/Microforms Film 23325 (40 reels)
Coverage: 1883-1970
Notes: This microfilm collection contains all Sanborn maps of Michigan found in the Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress.


Date No. of Sheets Notes
Nov. 1888 9
June 1893 9
Nov. 1899 13
Feb. 1909 16
Aug. 1916 15
Feb. 1927 27
Feb. 1927 - July 1950 30 524
Last Updated: Aug 27, 2024 3:43 PM