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Finding Species Information

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About Print Resources

The listed titles are good starting points and cover a range of species. They include encyclopedias, guide books, and handbooks. The scientific (ie Latin) names are included in all these titles. To search for a book on a particular species, go to Library Catalog Search.

Print Resources: Endangered Species

Beacham's Guide to the Endangered Species of North America

(also available online)

QH 77 .N56 B431 2001 6 volume set describing more than 1,200 species and plants in North America. Vol. 1=mammals, birds, reptiles. Vol 2=amphibians, fishes, snails, mussels. Vol. 3=arachnids, crustaceans, insects, lichens, fern allies, true ferns, conifers. Vols. 4,5= dicots. Vol. 6=dicots, monocots. Illustrated.
Threatened Birds of the World: the official source for birds on the IUCN red list QL 676.7 .T474 2000 The official source for birds on the IUCN Red List.
Encyclopedia of Endangered Species QH 75 .E4911 1994 Information about over 700 animals and plant species worldwide.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife of Michigan QL 84.22 .M5 E631 1994 Discusses and describes 97 species considered endangered or threatened in Michigan. Each chapter includes a list of references.
World List of Threatened Trees QK 86 .A1 O54 1998 Contains a list of summaries of over 7300 species considered globally threatened based on the 1994 IUCN (World Conservation Union) categories and criteria.
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2025 2:32 PM
Subjects: Science