WRDSWharton Research Data Services: data sets from financial, economic, and marketing sources, both private and government. Subscriptions include: Bank Regulatory, Beta Suite by WRDS, Blockholders, BoardEx, Bureau van Dijk, (Amadeus, ISIS, Orbis Bank Focus, Osiris), CBOE Indexes, Compustat, CRSP, DMEF Academic Data, Dow Jones, Efficient Frontier by WRDS, Event Study by WRDS, Eventus, Fama French & Liquidity Factors, Federal Reserve Bank, Financial Ratios Suite by WRDS, IBES, IHS Global Insight, Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), ISSM, Linking Suite by WRDS, MFLINKS, MSRB, Option Metrics, Option Suite by WRDS, OTC Markets, Penn World Tables, Peters and Taylor Total Q, PHLX, Public data from the BEA, BLS, HCUP and MEPS, RavenPack News Analytics, Research Quotient, SAS Visual Analytics, SEC Order Execution, Thomson Reuters Mutual Fund Holdings, Institutional Holdings, Insiders Data and DealScan, Trace, and World Indices by WRDS.
Provided by Kresge Research Services. Ann Arbor Campus Only. Contact Jennifer Zimmer for a WRDS account: jamm@umich.edu.