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Southeast Asian Studies

Provides selected library resources for researching Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma),Singapore, Timor Leste, and Vietnam.

Collection Development

The Southeast Asia Division of the Hatcher Library selects and acquires library materials, solicits and accepts purchase recommendations, catalogues the collection, provides assistance to library users in the use of the unit's collection, and offers formal instruction in the bibliographic resources in the unit's area of expertise. Through the acquistions and cataloging of both vernacular and English language materials from the region, we support the research and instructional needs of faculty, students, visiting scholars,and independent researchers from around the world.

While three countries - Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand - have received the most comprehensive attention, we are also concerned with developing the collection by increasing our holdings for the other seven countries that make up the geographic region: Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Singapore, Timor Leste and Vietnam.

Our collection development also extends to materials that focus on Southeast Asia published in European and East Asian countries. International scholars are increasingly interested in the dynamic region of Southeast Asia and collecting these materials has become an important component of our responsibilities. In addition to the coverage of the ten Southeast Asian countries, we also collect materials pertaining to Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Island countries, such as Papua New Guinea, Fiji, and Palau.

This site has been developed to perform as a quick reference to the services and materials available in our Division. Additionally, this site is intended to act as an interface between the user and the ever-expanding index of resources pertaining to Southeast Asia found on the Internet. 

Regional Resources

Education & Libraries


Digital Archives

Selected Indexes