French language dictionaries can be found in Hatcher Reference Room and the South Stacks in the call number range PC2001 - PC3761.
Le Grand Robert de la langue française
The complete version of Le Grand Robert de la langue française dictionary in its latest edition.
Dictionnaire de l’Académie française
All 9 editions of the dictionary published since 1694 to the present.
Dictionnaire des francophones (DDF)
An open, collaborative dictionary that aims to reflect the diversity of usage across the world.
Lexilogos: Dictionnaire français
Allows for cross-searching of several dictionaries and compiles links to many other dictionaries, encyclopedias, grammars, orthography works, etc.
Bilingual dictionaries:
Historical dictionaries:
ARTFL's Dictionnaires d'autrefois include Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française, Littré’s Dictionnaire de la langue française, as well as Jean Nicot’s Le Thresor de la langue françoyse, tant ancienne que moderne and Jean-François Féraud’s Dictionaire critique de la langue française.
Trésor de la langue française (in print)
Not the dictionary one might consult for a quick definition, but if you wish to understand a word in all in meanings and ramifications, its orthographic and etymological history, then this is the dictionary for you. Though limited to the French of the 19th and 20th centuries, this is still one of the most comprehensive and exhaustive of all dictionaries.
Le Trésor de la Langue Française informatisé (TLFi)
Online version of Le Trésor that allows searching by word or pronunciation or browsing alphabetically.
Guide to French Poetry Explication
Compiled by Kathleen Coleman, this guide includes all periods of French literary history from the Middle Ages to the present, with primary emphasis on poets generally included in the French literary canon. Materials indexed include general works of poetry criticism, books on a single poet, conference proceedings, edited volumes of essays, and the most widely-held scholarly journals. Shelved in the Reference Room.
The Feminist Encyclopedia of French Literature
The entries on individual women are complemented by essays on broad literary, historical, political, and sociological topics, as well as information on literary genres, movements, and life-cycle events particular to women, each with its own bibliography. The work also includes a general bibliography, chronology, and subject index. Edited by Eva Martin Sartori. Shelved in the Reference Room.
Dictionnaire des littératures de langue française
Edited by Jean-Pierre de Beaumarchais, Daniel Couty, and Alain Rey, this work, in their own words, "... Au dela des noms d'auteurs et d'oeuvres, le dictionnaire est aussi un répertoire d'histoire litteraire, réperée par les écoles et les tendances ... par quelques faits historiques ... par des groupes ... par les nom de publications importantes dan la vie litterraires du passé et du present ..." Shelved in the Reference Room.
Dictionnaire des oeuvres littéraires africaines de langue française
Organized alphabetically within three larger categories: Roman/Récit/Conte, Poésie, and Théatre. Includes both writers and their works. Indexed both by title and author. Edited by Pius Ngandu Nkashama. Shelved in the Reference Room.
Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires de langue française
Edited by Jean-Pierre de Beaumarchais and Daniel Couty, and as they say in the avant-propos " ... c'est par l'étude exclusive et globale des textes en tant que tels, et non plus a partir des hommes, des genres, des écoles ou de simples fragments que nous cherchons ici a atteindre notre 'fuyante proie'."