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Library databases (also known as "indexes") identify articles published on a particular topics. In addition to journal articles, many databases will also identify book chapters, dissertations, and other reports.
We have several databases specific to sociology content:
Pro Tip: Search Sociological Abstracts and ProQuest Sociology simultaneously by using the ProQuest "change databases" option at the top of the screen to select multiple databases.
Topics in sociology often overlap with complementary areas of inquiry.
It may be useful to search within a multidisiplinary database/index, or other subject specific indexes.
Combined access to all ProQuest databases, covering many different fields and full text articles.
Selected list of complementary subject specific indexes that may be useful for interdisciplinary sociology research. For a complete list of all subject specific databases, use Library Search.
Use the MGet It links in Sociological Abstracts and other databases to connect to the online full text of articles.
Already have a citation? Search by article title using the Library Search for Articles.
Search for journals by title using the Library Online Journals Search, or in the Library Catalog.
If the library does not own the journal you need, submit a document delivery (interlibrary loan) request for the article.