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SI 501 Fall 2023: Contextual Inquiry and Consulting Foundations (Drinking Water)

This guide provides resources for SI 501 students working on their background research project

Business/management best practices/guidelines

Education resources

Many of you are working with U-M departments or other clients that are in the field of education. The resources listed below bring together education journals, reports, white papers, conference proceedings or other education-focused materials.

Industry/company/market info

Kresge Library Services (part the Ross Business School), is a good source for content related to business and industry. Many resources mentioned below are provided by Kresge. You may also contact Kresge librarians directly with specific questions.

Kresge guides (suggested resources on business-related topics)

About Nonprofit Organizations

All about U-M

  • U-M HR Data Reports Current salaries, along with other salary, demographic and personnel-related reports from U-M Human Resources office
  • The Michigan Almanac The go-to website for data about the UM Ann Arbor campus.

  • U-M Office of the Provost  Variety of administrative areas fall under the office of the Provost. View reports on faculty, engaged learning, and diversity; as well as university budget
  • U-M Board of Regents  Searchable archive of meeting minutes for the Board of Regents, the governing body of the university.