There are over 1,000,000 scholarly articles published each year, and many of them are not available on Google or GoogleScholar. The best way to find articles for your research is to use library databases.
Library databases are collections that help researchers locate articles on specified topics. Within a database, scholarly articles are described with details including title, author, date of publication, journal title, subjects, and keywords. Many databases also include a link to the article PDF.
In a research institution like U-M and its Library, it is common to have access to hundreds or thousands of databases that vary according to subject.
This video contains information about library databases, it is 2 min 41 seconds with a closed caption option.
Search for journal articles, conference papers, and research reports in these databases. For a complete list of databases for Computer Science & Engineering, please see our Database List. (If you already have a citation and wish to find the article in the library, please use the MGet It MGet It.)
If you only use one Computer Science database, use ACM Digital Library:
Other recommended CS databases: