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Coulter Program

Resources to support research done by the Coulter Program

Find information on the intersections of Health, Engineering & Business

This guide is meant for staff at the Coulter Translational Research Partnership Project, which is part of the Biomedical Engineering department. It contains online resources for health sciences, engineering, and business. In order to access most of these resources, you need to be a current member of the U-M community (which doesn't include alumni). 

Questions? Please contact the BME Librarian, Luesoni Kuck ( 

Video Tutorials on Searching for Information

Below are links to a suite of five videos that were created for BME senior capstone design courses by Joanna Thielen, Librarian for the BME department. While these courses are referenced in the videos, they are relevant to anyone searching for BME-related information. 

There's also a self-paced module called Introduction to BME Standards that accompanies the fourth video (above). It's available in Canvas Commons. 

Last Updated: Feb 26, 2025 10:06 AM