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Chinese Studies

Selected digital resources for conducting research in Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan

What's in this Guide

This LibGuide provides a general map of digital resources for the Chinese Studies community at the University of Michigan.  The majority of the resources listed here are in the Chinese language.  They are categorized into seven tabs.  Start browsing now, and you will learn more about each resource through overviews.  Then click the link and experience its interface and searching function. 

Please note that this LibGuide is not exhaustive.  For example, no printed and microfilm materials are included here although the Asia Library does have a tremendous collection.  It is possible that resources that are specifically useful for your own courseworks and research projects may not be represented here.  If you have any questions, please contact your Chinese Studies Librarian Liangyu Fu for help.

  • Other useful LibGuides for Chinese Studies:

          Chinese Dance

          English-language Resources on East Asian Studies

          GIS, Maps and Statistical Data on China

          Chinese-language Resources in STEM Fields (STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)

NEW resources!

"Records of Shanghai and the International Settlement, 1836-1955" module and "Hong Kong, Britain, and China, Part II: 1965-1993" module are added to China and the Modern World (1800s to 1980s), a series of digital archive collections sourced from preeminent libraries and archives across the world, including the Second Historical Archives of China and the British Library.


Our library's subscription to Oxford Bibliographies Online now includes Chinese Studies.


中国基本古籍库 is a full-text database of 10,000 important classical works (13 million pages and 1.9 billion characters) from pre-Qin period to the early 20th century.


National Palace Museum Journals Archive (故宮期刊知識庫1966-present) is a full-image full-text searchable database of the four art journals published by the National Palace Museum in Taipei.


Zhuanji Wenxue Digital Archive (傳記文學, 1962-present) is an essential biographical reference source for important figures in the Republic of China.


Taiwan Nichinichi Shinpō (臺灣日日新報, Taiwan Daily News, 1898-1944) database contains fulltext of this official newspaper of the Taiwanese government under Japanese colonial rule.


Recently added to 中國近代報刊 platform, Taiwan Min Pao series 臺灣民報系列 includes four newspapers: 臺灣民報 (1923-1930), 臺灣新民報 (1930-1932), 臺灣 (1923-1924), and 臺灣青年 (1920-1922).


Area Studies: China and Southeast Asia contains three modules: (1) China through Western Eyes; (2) China Inland Mission, 1865-1951; (3) Asian Economic History.


Part of Shanghai Library's 全国报刊索引 platform, Books of Modern China (1840-1949) 中国近代图书库(1840-1949)contains OCR-ed e-version of over 120,000 books held by the Shanghai Library that were published between 1840 and 1949.


Zhonghua Ancient Books Bibliography Database 中華古籍書目數據庫 contains nearly 100 titles (over 830,000 entries) of historical and contemporary bibliographies of Chinese ancient texts published by Zhonghua shuju 中華書局.


Grand Secretariat archives 內閣大庫檔案 contains over four thousand Ming documents and more than three hundred thousand volumes of Qing archival materials.


Hongkong Weekly Press Online covers issues of this English-language weekly newspaper published during the 1920s.


中国地方历史文献数据库 The Database of Chinese Historical Local Archives is full-text searchable database containing local archives from Huizhou (Anhui Province) 徽州文书 and Shicang (Zhejiang Province) 石仓文书.


中国司法档案数据库·江津卷 The Database of Chinese Judicial Archives (Jiangjin section) is a full-text searchable database of judicial documents sourced from the Jiangjin District Archive (Chongqing), containing over 1,800 volumes, 120,000 pages of litigation files from 1911 to 1949.


张乐天联民村数据库 Zhang Letian Fieldwork Database is a collection of rare primary source materials from Mao-era China.


Nine new modules added to Gale's Archives Unbound: FBI File on Owen Lattimore; China: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1930-1939: Part 1; China: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1930-1939: Part 2; China: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1940-1944; China: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1945-1949; Chinese Civil War and U.S.-China Relations: Records of the U.S. State Department’s Office of Chinese Affairs, 1945-1955; Country Intelligence Reports/State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research Reports: China; Policing the Shanghai International Settlement, 1894-1945; Political, Economic, and Military Conditions in China: Reports and Correspondence of the U.S. Military Intelligence Division, 1918-1941


The Database for the History of Contemporary Chinese Political Movements, 1949- 中國當代政治運動史數據庫 contains four modules: the Political Campaigns in the 1950s; the Great Leap Forward- Great Famine; the Anti-Rightist Campaign; the Cultural Revolution.

CJK Computing

Using digital recourses listed require certain knowledge of Chinese and Japanese computing. Click on the topics below to learn more.

Last Updated: Feb 25, 2025 12:38 PM