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LabArchives: Best practices for research data management

Using LabArchives to organize, store, share, and archive your research data

Setting up your notebook

There are several options for setting up a notebook, including:

  • by project (or grant): Create a notebook for each project (grant), add lab members working on that project (grant)
  • by researcher: Useful for smaller labs where lab members are each working on individual projects
  • by lab: Create one notebook for an entire lab; designate folders and subfolders for specific projects

The flowchart below illustrates these options:

Organizing your lab notebook

For more information, visit these LabArchives webpages:

Roles and responsibilities

Lab members can be assigned different roles within the ERN. Each role has different access and editing privileges:

Owner: Only one owner per notebook; the owner has full control of the notebook; only owner can transfer ownership
Administrator: Multiple administrators are allowed; administrators can add users, create groups, view or edit entries or pages
User: Multiple users are allowed; users can view or edit entries and join groups
Guest: Multiple guests are allowed; guests can be granted permission to view or edit entries; guests can't join groups. (Guest access is read-only after 60 days)

The table below has more information about roles:

User Roles